Fundraising Events

Syracuse Auto Dealer Associations Charity Preview:
The collective heart and soul of our outstanding community was shining when the Syracuse Auto Dealers Association distributed over $256,000 to 13 worthy charities, with a check in the amount of $40,120 presented to Maureen’s Hope. Thank you to Gino Barbuto and Jim Barr, chairs of the SADA Charity Preview and their hard working committee; the generous underwriters that donated over $131,000 which allowed 100% of every dollar raised to go to the charities; Syracuse Media and Time Warner Cable; and our many personal and business donors. Each charity embraces a different passion and mission, and together we are strengthening our community and making it a better place to live…because of you and for you.
Visit the Syracuse Auto Dealers Association website for more information about the Charity Preview.
For more information about this event, read this article published by Eagle News on January 31, 2012.
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Au Chocolat November 19, 2015
Au Chocolat is THE holiday shopping event of the year here in Baldwinsville. Giveaways, treats, sales, and (of course) chocolate. Many of the village shops are participating. There will be free trolley transportation to assist guests as you make your way from shop to shop.
Our full line of inspirational and sterling silver jewelry will be available.
Download the event flyer for more information.

Love Laughs and Lager
Thank you to all who helped make our 10 year anniversary celebration, On October 24, 2014 at Anhesuer-Busch, a successful and memorable evening.
Major Event Sponsors
C&S Engineers
Welch Allyn
Event Sponsors
B’ville Diner
Central New York Community Foundation
Crown Risk Management
Lieh & Steigerwalds
Oswego County Ferderal Credit Union
Trumpler Clancy
Reagan Companies
Women TIES
OnSite Facilities Charity Golf Tournament
Cindy and Scott Gillespie of OnSite Facilities host an annual Charity Golf Tournament in June at Beaver Meadows Golf Course as a means to give back to the community. They have chosen Maureen’s Hope to be a recipient of proceeds since 2013 and its success is driven by a passionate group of golfers, sponsors and volunteers. In 2015 they raised $14,730 for Maureen’s Hope through the tournament and we look forward to another successful event in 2016! Thank you! Date TBD.
Email for more information.

ATMs for Good
As with most ATMs, customers are charged a fee to get cash. Businesses that partner with Maureen’s Hope through the ATMs for Good program, allow part of that fee to be directly deposited into Maureen’s Hope Foundation’s bank account. It’s that simple.
To date, we are grateful for the support of the B’ville Diner and Basta on the River who are hosting ATMs for Good terminals. If you are interested in placement of an ATMs for Good terminal to benefit Maureen’s Hope Foundation, contact Susan Bertrand, President and Founder, at For more information about the ATMs for Good program, read this story published by Eagle Newspapers on June 29, 2015.
Junior League Holiday Shoppes
Maureen’s Hope will have their full line of jewelry available at the Junior League Holiday Shoppes at the State Fairgrounds on November 13 – 15, 2015. Meaningful gifts for your holiday shopping!

Speech Family Candy Shoppe Fundraiser
Speech Family Candy Shoppe, located at 2400 Lodi Street, Syracuse will be donating a portion of the proceeds of sales during the month of August to Maureen’s Hope Foundation. Thank you to Mike Speech for his commitment to making a difference today!
Past Events

We Will Forever Remember This Event!
Maureen’s Hope and the Rockville Centre St. Patrick’s Parade
The Rockville Centre St. Patrick’s Parade first stepped off on March 22nd 1997 and has over the course of 10 years become one of the best attended and supported parades outside of New York City. The Rockville Centre St. Patrick’s Parade annually shares its success with three worthy charities, which are National, Irish, and Rockville Centre focused. Maureen’s Hope Foundation was selected as one of the charities to receive proceeds in March of 2009. This was truly an honor for the foundation as our family roots are in Long Island. Over 15,000 people attended the parade and it was surely a day we will never forget. A donation of $22,000 was made to the foundation!
Ichiban Fundraising Events
Thank you for helping this year’s event help raise over $9,200 for Maureen’s Hope!